Thursday, November 11, 2010

Worried about winter? Sign up for automatic emergency management notifications

We received a pamphlet the other day describing the Pierce County Washington Emergency Management System and their new Pierce County ALERT system.  ALERT allows you to register for emergency management, public notices and weather update notifications by text message, email or phone.  You can register as many county addresses as you wish at

The Regional Public Information Network (RPIN) has a similar system and idenitifies themselves as "your one-stop resource for news alerts from more than 75 government, transportation, utility, health and emergency response agencies serving citizens in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties."  Check them out at

Live outside of the greater Seattle-Tacoma-Everett area?  Just do an Internet search for "emergency management alerts" in your county.

Monday, November 01, 2010

How did YOU choose your last home mortgage?

How did YOU choose the provider of your last home mortgage?  Perhaps you went to the bank or credit union you were already using.  Maybe you came across an advertisement on the Internet, TV, or radio.  Some of you used whoever your real estate broker advised you to use.  Those all seem like good ideas, but please use care.  You are swimming in shark-infested waters.